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English Drama for 4 person

A Truly Friendship Erika : Meila Ibda: Kirana Nisa : Aurel Widya : Chika          One day,after changing hour of lesson,   Chika thinking about something that make she curious. Chika: hmmm, why, they are really very close friendship? I want their friendship breaking up, but how? Ahaa.... I just stole meila’s wallet, and after that I Put it in the Kirana’s bag, Meila and aurel will surely to alleges Kirana Meila: (opens her bag with a feeling nervous ) Aurel: What happen meila? You look so nervous Meila: Oh how this, lost my wallet. Kirana: How can it be lost, there may be at your house. Meila: No way, just now I remember why I not enter into my purse in my bag. (Chika suddenly interrupt them with an air knowledgeably) Chika: I know who stole your wallet. Meila: Who the hell is Chik? Chika: she is your best friends . she is Kirana Aurel: now way. She never do such a thing like that. Chika: Oh well if you do not believe, ...

OST My Love From The star

You Who Came From the Stars OST Part 1  You can ask me about this,and you can translate this to at the bottom of my blog, i'm just repost this. Thank you for your visit. And don't forget to follow my Instagram : erikakrissanta and twitter :@ErikaKrissanta to know more about me. Thank's ^_^ You Who Came From the Stars OST Part 1 Title: 별에서 온 그대 OST Part 1 / You Who Came From the Stars OST Part 1 Artist: LYn Language: Korean, English Release Date: 2013-Dec-26 Number of Tracks: 2 Publisher: Loen Entertainment (로엔엔터테인먼트) Agency: SBS Content Hub (SBS콘텐츠허브) Track Listing No. Song Title Artist 1. My Destiny LYn 2. My Destiny (Inst.) LYn You Who Came From the Stars OST Part 2 You Who Came From the Stars OST Part 2 Title: 별에서 온 그대 OST Part 2 / You Who Came From the Stars OST Part 2 Artist: K.Will Language: Korean Release Date: 2014-Jan-08 Number of Tracks: 2 Publisher: Loen Entertainment (로엔엔터테인먼트) Agency: SBS Content H...

You Are All Surrounded

Profile Drama: You're All Surrounded (literal title) Revised romanization: Neoheedeuleun Powidwaetda Hangul: 너희들은 포위됐다 Director: Yu In-Sik Writer: Lee Jung-Sun Network: SBS Episodes: 20 Release Date: May 7 - July 17, 2014 Runtime: Wed. & Thu. 21:55 Language: Korean Country: South Korea Plot "You're All Surrounded" follows 4 twenty-something-year-old rookie detectives at a police station in Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea. The 4 rookie detectives are Eun Dae-Koo ( Lee Seung-Gi ), Eo Soo-Sun ( Go Ara ), Park Tae-Il ( Ahn Jae-Hyeon ) and Ji Kook ( Park Jung-Min ) arrive at the Gangnam Police Station for their first day of work. None of the rookie detectives dreamed of becoming a detective. They then meet Seo Pan-Seok ( Cha Seung-Won ) for the first time. Seo Pan-Seok is the Chief Investigator for the #3 team. Meanwhile, Eun Dae-Koo recognizes Seo Pan-Seok. He hasn't forgotten him in 11 years. Notes ...

Zat Adiktif dan Psikotropika

 HI semuanya.. sekarang ayo kita pelajari tentang zat adiktif dan apa saja yang berkaitan dengan itu.. see it! jangan lupa tinggalkan kesan mu ya :D A.Pengertian   Zat   Adiktif Zat adiktif adalah zat-zat kimia yang dapat menimbulkan kecanduan atau ketagihan (adiksi) bagi pemakainya. Contoh zat adiktif adalah narkoba (narkotika dan obat-obat an berbahaya). Narkotika adalah bahan-bahan yang mempunyai daya kerja pembiusan sehingga dapat mengganggu kesadaran dan dapat mengakibatkan ketergantungan akan bahan tersebut. Obat-obatan yang dapat mempengaruhi pikiran/otak manusia, dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu: stimulan (obat perangsang), depresan (obat penenang), halusinogen. Ø   STIMULAN adalah golongan obat-obatan yang sangat efektif dalam memberikan rangsangan terhadap otak dan system syaraf. Contoh stimulan, yaitu: kokain dan amfetamin (ekstasi). Kokain adalah sejenis obat perangsang   yang lebih kuat daripada amfetamin, obat ini dihasilkan dari daun koka (E...

Snow White And The Sevent Dwarfs

SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWAFRS       Once upon a time in a great castle, a Prince's daughter grew up happy and contented, in spite of a jealous stepmother. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was delicate and fair, and so she was called Snow White. Everyone was quite sure she would become very beautiful. Though her stepmother was a wicked woman, she too was very beautiful, and the magic mirror told her this every day, whenever she asked it. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the loveliest lady in the land?" The reply was always; "You are, your Majesty," until the dreadful day when she heard it say, "Snow White is the loveliest in the land." The stepmother was furious and, wild with jealousy, began plotting to get rid of her rival. Calling one of her trusty servants, she bribed him with a rich reward to take Snow White into the forest, far away from the Castle. Then, unseen, he was to put her to death. The gre...

Masalah pengganguran dan cara mengatasinya

hi semuanya... belajar IPS yukk... cek it out !    MASALAH PENANGGURAN DAN CARA MENGATASINYA Faktor Utama Penyebab Pengangguran di Indonesia             Pengangguran yaitu orang yang berada pada usia produktif/usia kerja yang tidak bekerja. Berdasarkan penyebabnya pengangguran dapat dibedakan 5 macam yaitu: Pengangguran struktural yaitu : pengangguran yang terjadi akibat adanya perubahan struktur dan kegiatan ekonomi sebagai akibat perkembangan ekonomi.  Pengangguran siklus/konjungtur yaitu : pengangguran yang terjadi akibat adanya perubahan-perubahan dalam tingkat perekonomian.misalnya perusahan-perusahaan harus mengurangi kegiatan produksi sehingga sebagian tenaga kerja diberhentikan. Pengangguran friksional yaitu : pengangguran yang terjadi pada saat perekonomian mencapai tingkat penggunaan tenaga kerja penuh ( full employment) ,di mana tenaga kerja be...